Gaya APA

Hatzor, Yossef H ;Sulem, J ; Vardoulakis, I. (2010). Meso-scale shear physics in earthquake and landslide mechanics . New York: CRC PRES Taylor & Fancis Group.

Gaya Chicago

Hatzor, Yossef H ;Sulem, J ; Vardoulakis, I. Meso-scale shear physics in earthquake and landslide mechanics. New York: CRC PRES Taylor & Fancis Group, 2010. Text.

Gaya MLA

Hatzor, Yossef H ;Sulem, J ; Vardoulakis, I. Meso-scale shear physics in earthquake and landslide mechanics. New York: CRC PRES Taylor & Fancis Group, 2010. Text.

Gaya Turabian

Hatzor, Yossef H ;Sulem, J ; Vardoulakis, I. Meso-scale shear physics in earthquake and landslide mechanics. New York: CRC PRES Taylor & Fancis Group, 2010. Print.